11 Plus Writing – Marking and Feedback Service | The Exam Coach

11 Plus Writing – Marking and Feedback Service

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11 Plus Writing – Marking and Feedback Service

Sale Price:£75.00 Original Price:£100.00

This product grants you two uses of our 11 Plus marking service for feedback on any 11+ creative, informative or persuasive writing question completed by your child.

You have one year from the date of purchase to submit these pieces of marking for quick and detailed feedback from our tuition team.

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Key Details


  • An annotated copy of the submitted work to indicate where marks would be scored/lost.

  • Mark scheme and overall score out of 25 (marked on purpose, organisation, style, language, spelling, punctuation and grammar).

  • A 5-minute-long voice note from the tutor to your child, celebrating good writing, correcting any mistakes and highlighting areas for improvement. Importantly, our tutors will show your child how exactly they can improve their writing by rephrasing what your child has written and then explaining why their edited version would receive more marks in the exam.

Number of submissions to be marked: 2.

Topics covered: 11+ creative writing, persuasive writing and/or informative writing.

Questions accepted: The choice is yours! You can submit any 11+ writing question or prompt that your child has completed to us for marking (just make sure to send us the question they’re answering, as well as their answer).

Timeframe: All submissions will be returned within 3 working days.

Validity: You have one year from date of purchase to submit your child’s work to us.

Appropriate for: Year 5 and 6 students who will be sitting an 11 Plus writing exam and need guidance on their progress/how to improve.



During an 11+ writing exam, students are required to write in continuous prose in order to showcase their grasp of written English. Questions will often ask students to write a creative story or a persuasive argument on a given topic. However, efficiently marking your child’s writing can be a challenge…

Unlock your child's full 11 Plus writing potential with our expert marking service. Designed to boost confidence and refine exam technique, this service provides personalised feedback that goes beyond simple scoring. As a parent, it can be difficult to know how well your child is writing in comparison to the other students they will be up against in their exams. With our marking and feedback service, you will receive detailed annotations, explanations and guidance on any two pieces of your child’s work, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

Our experienced tuition team will provide over five minutes of tailored verbal feedback for your child, even rephrasing examples of their writing in order to demonstrate exactly how to achieve those tricky higher marks. With a fast 3-day turnaround and a full year to submit their work, this service is the most efficient way to understand your child's current writing level and the specific steps they need to take to reach their target school(s). Eliminate stress and gain clarity on the path to 11+ writing success with our expert guidance.


How To Submit Work For Marking

  1. After purchase, you will receive a confirmation email which contains your order number. This will be sent to the email address entered at checkout.

  2. Take a photo or scan in your child’s work to be marked. Make sure to include the 11+ exam-style question or prompt they have answered.

  3. Send these images via email to teamkeen@theexamcoach.tv.

  4. Make sure to include your order number AND child’s name in the subject line of the email.

  5. You will receive confirmation of the submission and marked work returned to you within 3 working days. This will include:

    • An annotated copy of the submitted work to indicate where marks would be scored/lost.

    • Mark scheme and overall score out of 25 (marked on purpose, organisation, style, language, spelling, punctuation and grammar).

    • A 5-minute-long voice note from the tutor to your child, celebrating good writing, correcting any mistakes and highlighting areas for improvement. Importantly, our tutors will show your child how exactly they can improve their writing by rephrasing what your child has written and then explaining why their edited version would receive more marks in the exam.

That’s it! Nice and simple. This can be done twice per purchase.


Our Tuition and Marking Team

Marking will be completed by The Exam Coach’s team of tutors. All of our tutors have:

  • Passed competitive exams such as the 11 Plus.

  • Attended a Russell Group University within the last 5-10 years.

  • Received two weeks of training to deliver expertly within our online workshop format.

  • Taught our 11 Plus exam preparation curriculum on a regular basis within the last two years.


If you have any questions, please contact us via WhatsApp on +44 7547 645100, you can also send a message here.