Study Skills Workshops For Schools
Filmed at King’s College London.
Improve your students’ exam skills this year with The Exam Coach study skills tutor team!
Since 2014, The Exam Coach has delivered outstanding study skills workshops for GCSE, A Level and IB students throughout the UK.
After leaving University, James Davey, The Exam Coach founder, started to deliver study skills workshops in schools locally, sharing advice and research on the way we learn in a format young people could relate to. Importantly, with the help of The Exam Coach team, a comprehensive study skills programme was developed to work alongside any school’s efforts to help their students achieve the best grades possible in their exams.
Over 100 UK schools now choose The Exam Coach team to deliver their study skills support provision to ensure their students are in the best position possible to deliver top exam performance.
Why teachers choose our study skills programme?
Our study skills programme has a number of features which teachers often find particularly helpful:
We keep it short and simple in order to fit in with the school’s busy timetable. In an action packed 60-minute session, we deliver the key information to your students in a live setting.
The presentation is delivered in a memorable and enjoyable way. Teachers can easily link back to some of the stories and ideas in the build up to exam day in order to help give their students some extra revision momentum.
Our tutors/presenters are well-trained, we deliver in a such a way to help the students understand the tutor was in their position not so long ago and has some helpful advice and best practices that will make things easier. So it’s worth listening to.
We provide an easy-to-use set of follow-up resources teachers can use in order to effectively consolidate the live session and help them further support their students’ study skills development.
Our usual programme includes:
One hour of live study skills workshop tailored to the exam and year group of your choice, delivered by a member of The Exam Coach study skills tutor team. This can be delivered in-person or online.
Follow-up materials (video, audio, blog posts etc) which you can send out to your students at important times in the year to reiterate the key messages.
We know schools sometimes have slightly different requirements, and we can discuss these with you. Though, our experience shows the most efficient and effective way to deliver a study skills intervention is to find an hour when all your students can be in one room or on one online meeting. Alternatively, we can be flexible to fit in with what you specifically have in mind. Please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.
Some Schools we work with

Our study skills school speakers
Study skills workshop structure
Every workshop we deliver is broken down into three sections.
Nailing it
These are the fundamental steps of exam preparation and performance. During the live session, the study skills speaker will go into more detail on each, giving your student techniques, routines and mindsets they can easily start using for themselves immediately.
Students are encouraged to take notes throughout the session either on their smartphone or a notepad. The study skills tutor will give cues on when something should be written down and what exactly should be written.
A rough outline of some of the points covered within each section is as follows:
Goal setting
Analysis of success and failure strategies
Relationship management
Personal standards
The psychology of exams
The importance of gathering the right tools
Targeted study (exam focussed, marks focussed)
Active Recall
Spaced Repetition
Pomodoro Technique
Mind Maps
Mind Palace
Critical reading techniques
Study timetables
Exam stress management
Nailing it
Pre exam routine
During exam
Post exam routine
5 golden exam rules
Bonus section: smartphone management
The psychology of the smartphone
Smartphone management techniques
Study Skills Resources
After the live workshop (which can be delivered in-person or online), we provide a selection of follow-up resources teachers can send out to pupils at appropriate times throughout the year to back up key points and reminders. Many of our follow-up resources are created by students who have been through the UK education system, therefore they are especially relevant and come across in such as way that can have a deep, lasting impact on your students.
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