creative writing — The Blog

creative writing

11 Plus (11+) Creative and Persuasive Writing: Student Model Answers and Feedback

Over the years, Exam Coach students have produced some outstanding work. This is, in a way, our hall of fame, home to the greatest examples of creative and persuasive writing submitted by students attending our 11 Plus courses and workshops.

Take a look below to see top-tier writing as well as our marking and feedback in action!

⭐ This month’s star writer is… ⭐


Well done Rajan. Take a look at Rajan’s excellent creative writing submission, and the feedback we provided, below.

New For 2022 — Verbal Feedback

In the spring, we introduced verbal feedback for our creative writing students’ homework. We found verbal feedback to be more effective in helping the children make improvements to their writing. This also allows parents and students to re-listen to the feedback whenever needed.

Take a look at some examples of verbal feedback we’ve sent out recently. Maybe some of the top tips provided could also help improve your child’s writing!

Creative Writing

Click the names below to see some excellent examples of 11+ creative writing.

“Create a story using the picture below.” — Elephants

“Create a story using the picture below.” — Rocket

“Write a diary entry describing the last day of the school term.”

“Describe a journey through an old, spooky house. Describe your characters’ emotions and what they see and hear.”

“Write a diary entry describing a day aboard a pirate ship.”

“Describe the hottest day ever.”

Persuasive Writing

Click the names below to see some excellent examples of 11+ persuasive writing.

“Write a letter to Parliament persuading them that you should be the next prime minister.”

“Write a letter to your teacher persuading them to let you choose next year’s school trip.”

“Write a newspaper article with the following headline: Aliens crash-land in London!”