Our Practice Papers and Answers
Poole High School writes their own exams and does not release any past or practice papers. The test papers we’ve shared above contain similar content to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Poole High School. Please use them to help with preparation.
The papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to GL test papers and those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Poole High School.
New 11+ practice papers are sent out via email every Friday. You can sign up to receive these, every week, using the form above.
Other GL Sample Papers and Answers
Poole High School writes their own exams and does not release any past or practice papers. The 11 Plus test papers we’ve shared above contain similar content to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by Poole High School. Please use the above to help with preparation.
About the School
Address — Poole High School, Wimborne Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2BW
Type of school — Mixed, partially-selective, grammar school
Cost — Free
Pupils in school — 1900+
Places available in year 7 — 350+ (of which 10% of spaces are selective)
Average applicants per place — 3 or more
Catchment area — Poole High School has a catchment area based on location and distance from the school.
Poole High School Catchment Area
Oversubscription policy — Before the application of oversubscription criteria, students with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which names the school and who have passed the assessment will be admitted. As a result of this the published admissions number will be reduced accordingly.
Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be determined as follows:
Looked after Children or previously Looked after Children.
Children who appear to have been in state care outside England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
Children of members of staff.
Children eligible to the Expressly Academic 10%.
Children who have applied for a place in Year 7 and who are not part of the “Expressly Academic” 10% in the following order:
Children whose home address is within the catchment area and who have a sibling at the school who it is anticipated will still be attending at the time of admission.
Other children with a sibling at the school and who it is anticipated will still be attending at the time of admission.
Children whose home address is within the catchment area.
Children whose home address is outside the catchment area but with a sibling who it is anticipated will still be on the school roll at the time of admission.
Children whose home address is outside the catchment area.
School Summary
Poole High School was established in 1939 and is a mixed, partially-selective, grammar school and sixth form in Poole, Dorset.
Since 2013, the school has admitted students in Year 7 (having previously only accepted students from year 8 onward) making it one of the largest schools in the country.
The school aims to provide students with a journey at Poole High School, which leaves them having:
enjoyed the mutual respect and trust which are our hallmarks;
developed self-confidence and personal integrity;
made outstanding progress academically;
felt known and cared for as an individual;
experienced superb opportunities, nurtured personal ambition and developed a sense of service to others.
Find the most recent Ofsted reports here.
Compare this school’s performance with other local schools here.
Exam Information
Exam style — Poole High School’s ‘Expressly Academic Test’.
Exam types:
Verbal reasoning
Non-verbal Reasoning
Exam length — 3x 50 minute exams.
Pass mark — Changes each year.
Other exam information:
The tests will be held in classrooms and will include a reasoning paper and KS2 core subject knowledge.
There will be three exam papers with a break between each:
Test one - Reasoning
Test two -English
Test three - Maths
Please note - Poole High School is a partially selective school, meaning only 10% of available places in year 7 will be available based on academic ability each year.
Contact information
Website — https://poolehigh.co.uk/
Contact — https://poolehigh.co.uk/get-in-touch/
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/poolehs
Twitter — https://twitter.com/poole_high
LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/school/poole-high-school/
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