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The test papers we’ve shared below are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 plus assessments by St Anselm’s College.
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St Anselm’s College Sample PAPERs
The 11 Plus test papers we’ve shared above are in a similar style to those typically delivered as 11 Plus assessments by St Anselm’s College.
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About the School
Address — St Anselm’s College, Manor Hill, Prenton, Merseyside, CH43 1UQ
Type of school — Boys’ Roman Catholic grammar school
Cost — Free
Pupils in school — 1000+
Places available in year 7 — 150+
Average applicants per place — 8 or more
Catchment area — St Amselm’s College has a set catchment area consisting of Wirral, Cheshire West and Chester and any other areas within 5 miles of the College.
Oversubscription policy — In each of the identified criteria below, a requirement of applicants is that they have passed the entrance examinations.
Where qualifying applications for admission exceed the number of places available, places will be determined as follows:
Catholic Looked After and previously Looked After Boys, Baptised Catholic Boys, living in the relevant area (defined as Wirral, Cheshire West and Chester and any other areas within 5 miles of the College).
Baptised Christian, non-Catholic Looked After and previously Looked After Boys, Baptised Christian, non-Catholic boys, living in the relevant area.
Looked After Boys and previously Looked After Boys who are not baptised Christians, Non-Catholic boys whose parents wish them to have a Catholic education.
School Summary
St Anselm’s College was established in 1933 and is an all-boys, Roman Catholic grammar school in Wirral, Merseyside. The school became an academy in 2011 and specialises in technology and languages.
In 2009 the college became a Leadership Partner School. It is also part of the Edmund Rice Academies Trust, meaning the school is part of a global network of over 300 schools.
Students achieve an average 9 - 10 grades 9-4 at GCSE and 55-60% grades A*-B and 100% A-E at A Level. 95% of Year 13 Leavers progress on to university and over 40% to Russell Group Universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.
Find the most recent Ofsted reports here.
Compare this school’s performance with other local schools here.
Exam Information
Exam style — School written exam.
Exam types:
Verbal reasoning
Mental maths
Exam length — 3x 45 minute exams + mental maths exercise.
Pass mark — Changes every year.
Other exam information —
There are three written papers (Verbal Reasoning, Maths and English) and a mental maths paper.
The English exam consists of a comprehension with written answer questions and an essay/creative writing section.
The maths exam consists of standard format questions.
There will be a break between the tests.
Scores will be standardised.
Contact information
Website — https://www.st-anselms.com/
Contact — https://www.st-anselms.com/43/contact-us
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/stanselmscollege
Twitter — https://twitter.com/anselmscollege
Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/stanselmscollege/
YouTube — https://www.youtube.com/user/StAnselmsCollege/featured
LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/company/st-anselm%27s-college/
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🧠 How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Verbal Reasoning — A Complete Guide
📖 How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Comprehension — A Complete Guide
✏️ How To Prepare For 11 Plus (11+) Creative Writing — A Complete Guide
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